Content consistency is really important to your community! Those beautiful folks who connected with something you did and want more – regularly.
They want the promise of what you offered and the security of knowing you’ll be around to keep the goods coming.
It’s the ongoing story of who you are and what your business is offering and forms an integral part of your ongoing brand story.
All successful artists have a natural rhythm of consistent expression that allows them to create a body of work. No matter what medium they use, there is a natural flow of mark making or creative expression visible in their work. It’s this unspoken rhythm that their audience engage with and creates their own unique style. It’s their story or brand on canvas, their interpretation of what they see and experience.
Marketing, content / blog writing, social media, photography is also positioned within the realm of the artist and requires the same consistent mark marking to express your brand vision. Being a creative expression could explain why we often struggle with the inspiration or motivation to keep our marketing momentum consistent and moving. We can get caught up in the cogs of running a business, and doing the work, making it hard to stop and be creative, and to pick up our marketing where we left off.
Think like an artist!
A great example of content rhythm is Australian Boss Drover exhibition at the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art by Artist Robert MacPhersons.
The works are drawings of Australian Boss Drovers each consisting of ink and stain on paper. What makes this body of work so powerful is not any one individual image, but the consistent rhythm that MacPherson maintained over the 18 years creating 2400 individual A3 drawings.
“Over a 20-year period, Robert MacPherson made these in the guise of his alter ego, Robert Pene, a grade 4 student at St Joseph’s Convent, Nambour, Queensland.
Each sheet includes a portrait and a name, sometimes a caption added in Pene’s uncertain script. The project is dated 14 February 1947, and each sheet is stained to give it an aged patina.”
(from https://www.qagoma.qld.gov.au/whats-on/exhibitions/robert-macpherson )

Sounds crazy huh!
His mark-making and consistency of the subject tells an ongoing story, much like that of content writing. Although an extreme example, it highlights the impact of consistent content in any form and how it builds into a larger brand story.
What does your content consistency look like over the past 2 years? What crazy beats of rhythm would we find? Would you have a full body of work that showcases your brand story?
All social media platforms are a form of art and artistic expression and we are curators of our feeds. Your business is an expression of an idea! To showcase what you do to your tribe it’s important to get creative about how you tell your story – and to keep this creativity going consistently.
It’s not your logo that tells people what you do, it’s every message or contact that you have with them that tells the story of your brand and vision.
Content Consistency is more powerful than talent!
Consistency also falls into the realm of community and provides a sense of belonging, connection and acceptance, allowing your audience to feel part of something and to connect with a brand that understands and adds value to their life.